6.5. LTB Self Service Password, Allowing Users to Change Their Passwords¶
This Internet app uses dnsmasq, Nginx, OpenLDAP and Postfix.
LTB Self Service Password is a PHP application which allows users to change their passwords in the LDAP database. It is part of the LTB project (LDAP Tool Box Project), which aims at easing LDAP administration.
6.5.1. Configure DNS¶
Add an A
record to point the domain you want to use with LTB Self Service Password to the IP address of the
6.5.2. Start the LTB Self Service Password Container¶
First pull the LTB Self Service Password Docker image:
docker pull blober/ltb-self-service-password
Create a directory to store LTB Self Service Password configuration files:
sudo mkdir $DOCKER_SHARE/ltb-self-service-password
Generate the default configuration file:
cd $DOCKER_SHARE/ltb-self-service-password
sudo -s <<< "docker run --rm blober/ltb-self-service-password \
cat /var/www/ltb-self-service-password/conf/config.inc.php > config.inc.php"
Run the following commands to modify the configuration file, after replacing dc=example,dc=com
with the
in Install OpenLDAP, password@example.com
with the notification
email you want to use, and MY_LDAP_ROOT_PASSWORD
with the root password of the OpenLDAP server:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 | LDAP_SUFFIX='dc=example,dc=com'
sudo ed config.inc.php << EOF
%s/^\(\$ldap_url =\).*/\1 "ldap:\/\/ldap";
%s/^\(\$ldap_binddn =\).*/\1 "cn=root,$LDAP_SUFFIX";
%s/^\(\$ldap_bindpw =\).*/\1 "MY_LDAP_ROOT_PASSWORD";
%s/^\(\$ldap_base =\).*/\1 "ou=people,$LDAP_SUFFIX";
%s/^\(\$who_change_password =\).*/\1 "manager";
%s/^\(\$mail_from =\).*/\1 "$NOTIFICATION_FROM";
- line 4: the LDAP server URL will be named
;- line 5: set the root DN;
- line 6: set the root password of the OpenLDAP server;
- line 7: set the search base;
- line 8: let the root user change password not the user itself;
- line 9: the “from” email address of the notification mails.
Optionally we can further modify the configuration file config.inc.php
to adjust settings:
sudo $EDITOR config.inc.php
Start the container:
docker run --restart always -d --name ltb-self-service-password \
--dns $HOST_ADDR --add-host smtp-server:$HOST_ADDR -v \
$DOCKER_SHARE/ltb-self-service-password/config.inc.php:/etc/config.inc.php:ro \
The Dockerfile from which the image was generated is available.
6.5.3. Configure Nginx¶
After replacing password.example.com
with the domain to be used for accessing the password reset page, run the
following command:
echo --volumes-from ltb-self-service-password >> ~/util/nginx-volumes.txt
cd $DOCKER_SHARE/nginx
sudo -s <<EOF
sed -e "s/@server_name@/$LTB_SSP_URL/g" \
redirect-https.conf.tmpl > ltb-self-service-password.conf
sed -e "s/@server_name@/$LTB_SSP_URL/g" \
-e 's/@root@/ltb-self-service-password/g' \
-e 's/@fastcgi_server@/ltb-self-service-password:9000/g' \
fastcgi.tls.conf.tmpl > ltb-self-service-password.tls.conf
You can edit ltb-self-service-password.tls.conf
to use your own tls/ssl key if you don’t want to use the dummy key.
Recreate and restart the Nginx container: